The COUPLING pushbutton selects the method of connecting the A and B inputs to the amplifier. The inputs can be AC (0.03 Hz – 3 dB) or DC-coupled, or the inputs to the amplifier can be internally grounded with the A and B input BNC’s left floating. This feature makes for simple offset nulling, particularly useful when operating the amplifier DC-coupled at high gains. Please refer to CALIBRATION AND REPAIR — OFFSET ADJUSTMENT for information on the offset nulling procedure.
NOTE: When the coupling is set to AC, a 0.03 Hz cutoff high-pass filter is always engaged. All high-pass filter modes can still be selected while AC-coupled, but the 0.03 Hz filter will always be in, even if the filters are set to DC. Because one of the two filter sections is always used as a high pass when AC coupling is selected, low-pass filters are only available with a 6 dB / octave rolloff.
This key selects the input coupling. The signal input can be either AC or DC coupled. The current input is coupled after the current to voltage conversion. The current input itself is always DC coupled (1 kΩ to virtual ground).
The AC coupling high pass filter passes signals above 160 mHz and attenuates signals at lower frequencies. AC coupling should be used at frequencies above 160 mHz whenever possible. At lower frequencies, DC coupling is required. AC coupling results in gain and phase errors at low frequencies.
Remember, the Reference Input is AC coupled when a sine reference is used. This also results in phase errors at low frequencies.
入門篇-耦合Coupling AC/DC/GND差別在哪